General Usage
Defined Learning is a digital resource that promotes authentic learning through UbD performance tasks and non-fiction literacy tasks for Grades K-12 in math, science, ELA and social studies. We focus on deeper understanding of concepts and problem solving skills using performance tasks and project based learning. Defined Learning provides authentic performance tasks and non-fiction literacy tasks for Grades K-12 in math, science, ELA and social studies.
For more information on Defined Learning, click here
A trial can be obtained by clicking on the “Take A Free Trial” button that can be found on the home page as well as many other pages. Click here to register for a Defined Learning web demo.
Yes, webinar training is available free of charge. Alternatively an in-depth on-site training workshop can be arranged for $3000 per day. Please contact Joel Jacobson at 224-220-3585 / 888-759-5020 x202 (joel@definedlearning.com) for more details or to schedule training.
Yes, every Defined Learning task can be completely modified to suit the individual needs of the user. To further customize tasks, users can upload and attach custom content.
Yes, to ensure Defined Learning content meets learning standards, every task has been hand-aligned to national and state standards including Common Core and C3.
Yes, every Defined Learning video can be downloaded in MP4 format. Defined Learning videos can also be embedded via the embed link located in the upper left-hand corner of the video player.
Yes, every Defined Learning video can be downloaded in MP4 format. Defined Learning videos can also be embedded via the embed link located in the upper left-hand corner of the video player.
Yes, Defined Learning performance tasks and literacy tasks can be exported in DOC format or in PDF. The export buttons can be found within the “Perform an Action” dropdown menu on the task page.
Yes, each project is considered an authentic-assessment. In addition to rubrics, districts and/or teachers have the ability to choose various state-standards and/or skills to assess when evaluating student work.
Yes, Defined Learning uses the Google Translate plugin to allow users to convert all text to over 80 different languages in real time.
Forgot Username
Click here to have your username emailed to you.
Forgot Password
Click here to have a password reset link emailed to you.
Technical questions
If content doesnt load correctly, refresh the page, if the problem persists perform a hard reset by holding the ‘ctrl’ key and pressing ‘f5’ if using a PC (‘cmd’ + ‘f5’ if using a mac).
Yes, Defined Learning can be used with phones, tablets and other mobile devices. An internet connection is required.
Teacher Data:
Name, email, username and password.
Student Data:
Student Data is only stored for districts utilizing our assessment platform. Student data is limited to Firstname, Lastname, grade, email, and student id. For information on student privacy, please click here
The user information collected by Defined Learning is used for internal reports and reports requested by school districts and to verify login credentials. No user information is shared or sold to any outside entity. For more information view our privacy policy here
Yes, passwords are salted and hashed using a one-way hashing algorithm.
We do recommend districts are setup with a Single Sign On platform. In these cases passwords are stored on those respective systems.
If you do need regular username/password access use a variety of letters, numbers and symbols. Length is important, longer passwords are more secure than short passwords.
For Defined Learning provide firewall access for the following domains:
- *.definedlearning.com (currently www,users,lrs,videos,images,useruploads subdomains are utilized)
- dlrn.us (url-shortener for shared links) (required)
- fonts.googleapis.com (font) (optional)
- *.google-analytics.com (analytics) (optional)
- translate.google.com (translate widget) (optional)
- *.readspeaker.com (audio highlight & read-along widget)
For Defined Careers provide firewall access for the following domains:
- *.definedlearning.com (currently www,users,lrs,videos,images,useruploads subdomains are utilized)
- *.definedcareers.com
- dlrn.us (url-shortener for shared links) (required)
- fonts.googleapis.com (font) (optional)
- *.google-analytics.com (analytics) (optional)
- translate.google.com (translate widget) (optional)
- *.readspeaker.com (audio highlight & read-along widget)
- *.vimeo.com (some video hosting)
- definedlearning.slides.com (resource hosting)
For CorePBL provide firewall access for the following domains:
- *.definedlearning.com (currently www,users,lrs,videos,images,useruploads subdomains are utilized)
- *.corepbl.com
- dlrn.us (url-shortener for shared links) (required)
- fonts.googleapis.com (font) (optional)
- *.google-analytics.com (analytics) (optional)
- translate.google.com (translate widget) (optional)
- *.readspeaker.com (audio highlight & read-along widget)
- *.vimeo.com (some video hosting)
For Performance Task PD with Jay McTighe provide firewall access for the following domains:
- *.performancetask.com (currently www,assets,blog subdomains are utilizied)
- *.definedlearning.com (currently www,users,lrs subdomains are utilized)
Video / Multimedia Resource Notes
- Videos are served via http through port 80.
- Video encoding/extensions are .mp4
- If your browser accepts .swf files, Performance Task PD with Jay McTighe will utilize swf files during course playback. If your browser does not accepts swf files, mp4 videos are used for playback over http.
Browsers Supported:
- Chrome (recommended), Firefox, Edge, Safari
- Internet Explorer is not supported
Mobile Devices Supported (support driven from mobile browser):
- Tablets
- IOS (iPad)
- Android
- Windows (Surface)
- Other
- Chromebook
Other Requirements:
- PDF Viewer
Firewall Provisions:
- External Links
- Some resources have links to vetted content which provide research opportunities for students. Cached versions are available if necessary.
- Domains – provide firewall access for the following domains:
- *.definedstem.com (required) – Currently used subdomains if needed – (www,images,s3-video,app,learn,admin,students)
- *.definedlearning.com (required) – Currently used subdomains if needed – (www,users,admin,images,s3-video,app,students)
- *.performancetask.com (required for professional online development course only)
- dlrn.us (url-shortener for shared links) (required)
- fonts.googleapis.com (font) (optional, some styling issues may occur if blocked)
- *.google-analytics.com (analytics) (optional)
- translate.google.com (translate widget) (optional)